The Latest News from Nobis Agri Science

Nobis Agri Science is dedicated to providing the best, most progressive services in the agricultural industry. From dairy cow feed manufacturing and ruminant nutrition to nutritional consulting and forage sampling, our team seeks to expand their knowledge through continuous learning and ongoing training. To learn more about our team, our mission and our pursuit to provide the industry’s best bulk cow feed, view our news articles below.

Three Financial Tips to Capitalize on Record Milk Prices

With near-record milk prices this spring, it certainly appears to be a good time to be a dairy producer. The long over-due market turnaround has dairy farmers across the country smiling, but financial experts advise producers to sit down and look through their profit and loss statements to truly understand the strength of their farm’s financial portfolio.

Overcoming Dairy’s People Problem

“It is taking 20% longer to get new leaders in place, with 30% higher compensation, including extra considerations such as work location, flexibility, bonuses and equity and on top of that companies have to decide 50% faster since top talent have as many as 3 offers.” David Turner of Kincannon & Reed, the leading search firm dedicated to Food & Agribusiness, recently said this on the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action podcast.

It’s Not Too Early to Think About Year End

Summer is a great time to do a mid-year check on your financial and business goals.

Its suggested to do mid-year planning in June or July.  You can review the overall performance of your company, progress of your strategies, team development, and plan for a good year end.


Effective Employee Management

The average number of dairy cows per farm continues to increase.

Ironically, as dairy profit margins become tighter, many farms add cows and production to generate minimum levels of income needed to stay in business.

As cow numbers increase, so do labor needs and as a result, most dairy farm owners find themselves in the position of managing employees.


Make the Most of Milk Check by Maximizing Components

Small changes in managing and feeding cows can make a big impact in a dairy’s milk check. Feed quality and timing, stocking density and feeding supplements are some areas that can impact component levels in milk and deliver a better return on a dairy’s feed investment.

Producers can make a significant impact on their milk checks by increasing milk fat and protein in milk. Changes in feed mixing, frequency and other feed-management strategies can make a notable difference.


Facility Focus: Summer Silage Storage and Bunk Management

The sticker shock of feed prices have been a sucker punch for dairy farmers over the last year, and there doesn’t seem to be much relief in sight. Elevated feed costs have forced some producers to grow more of their own forages this season, including corn silage. While prioritizing growing quality forage is a must, proper feed ingredient storage is equally important, especially during the hot summer months.


Nobis Agri Science Summer Heat Tips

The primary reason cows decrease milk production during hot weather is that the cows eat less. Since cows will be consuming less as temperatures increase, increasing the energy density of the diet can in part compensate for the decrease in dry matter intake.

We at Nobis Agri Science (NAS) have a strategy to have “HEAT STRESS” rations ready to implement when the HIGH HEAT INDEXES strike your dairy. Ask your nutritionist to prepare you for the heat with the proper ration.


Variation Can Unlock Profit Potential

The term variation has been deemed a negative in our dairy nutrition tribal language. We need to change our language and understanding of this term. “Variation is an opportunity!”

Variation is attributable to different things, with some being really important to cash flow. The economically meaningful variation comes to light when enough data is collected and trends or impact factors are identified. This variation then becomes something that we can manage to our benefit.


First Cutting: Resources for success in 2022

First cutting of a perennial hay crop offers the opportunity to capture high quantity and quality, but timely harvest can be met with a number of obstacles. This fact sheet provides links to several current resources to aid in successful decision making for the upcoming season.

How to Feed Your Dairy Herd Under Extreme Volatility

Volatility: friend or foe?

From labor, to equipment, to dairy supplies, to feed availability, and even prices — volatility is a new normal for us to manage in our dairy businesses. Some have cast volatility in a negative light. However, with change comes opportunity! Remain steadfast in seeking the positive with the undeniably changing dairy business landscape ahead. Despite volatility and changes, there are exciting times ahead for our dairy industry. Consumers throughout the world continue to demand more nutritious dairy protein and butterfat, and our industry is poised to deliver!


Managing Producer Expectations: Seasonal Effects on Milk Components

There is a common business adage that “what gets measured gets managed.” Every day, our nutritionists are digging into your data to identify optimal solutions for your herd. One data point we’re asked about each spring is what to do about decreases in milk component percentages as the days get longer and hotter.

Mitigating Heat Stress in Dry Cows

Warmer weather is on the horizon, and the increase in environmental temperature seriously impacts animal productivity.

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620 Gray Street
P.O. Box 394
Plainwell, MI 49080